Notice of cancellation in the RFC due to merger of companies...

The purpose of the amendments made to the provision in question is to provide the authority with more elements to verify...

[see more]


Who are we?

We are a firm specialized in tax law and information technology with more than 25 years of experience in the planning, development, implementation and supervision of tax and digital projects within the private and public sectors.

Our experience is mainly based on the implementation of advanced electronic signatures and electronic invoicing in the tax administration, including the guidelines for the procedures of issuance, use, storage and conservation of the same; in the analysis and diagnosis of corporate policies regarding the respective processes of information security; as well as in the analysis and advice on both the scope and legal application of documents, procedures and services of digital government.

Our firm has extensive technical and legal experience in providing guidance, assistance and legal defense in tax, administrative and IT law matters.


To be an ally of our clients to provide certainty in their legal, tax and commercial processes through the adoption of technological and digital instruments, to ensure compliance with their obligations within the current regulatory framework.


To be a firm with national and international recognition in consulting services in tax matters, electronic signature, digital document preservation, technological innovation for tax compliance and related matters of our clients.



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Las TIC como herramienta estratégica para potenciar la eficiencia de las Administraciones Tributarias


Factura Electrónica
en América Latina

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Socios Accionistas

Information capsule
Notice of cancellation in the RFC due to merger of companies ...
The purpose of the amendments made to the provision in question is to provide the authority with more elements to verify ...

Versión 4.0

Are you ready to issue electronic invoices in version 4.0? If you are not ready, you will not be able to issue electronic invoices and your deductions or credits will not have tax effects...

Socios Accionistas

Informative Capsule
Notice of modification or incorporation of partners, shareholders, associates and other persons that are part of the organic structure of a legal entity, as well as those that...

CFDI Global

If in some cases, after having issued a global CFDI, one of your clients requests your invoice, and in order not to cancel the global CFDI you issue CFDI of expenses as a discount, to later issue the nominative CFDI, do you know that this practice may duplicate your income declared to the SAT?, check the following information that may be of interest...


Until February 28 or September 30, 2022... What is the deadline to cancel payroll CFDI that I issued in 2021 and that have errors, should I have cancelled them until February 28 of this year or can I still cancel them until September 2022, if you want to know the answers, you can find them here...



Preventive and corrective compliance within the company

Technology Consulting

Automation in digital processes

Digital data governance



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